Fiona Wang
Fiona is a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program at Sam Houston State University. She received her B.A. degrees in Psychology and Criminology from the University of California, Irvine, and her M.A. in Forensic Mental Health Counseling from John Jay College of Criminal justice.
In her free time, Fiona loves to read, weightlift, do hot yoga, and watch movies. Her budding interest in video games has not fully manifested itself just yet, but she is sure that her fellow lab mates will see to it that it does before she graduates.
Fiona is broadly interested in the intersection between psychology and the law. Specifically, factors that contribute to wrongful convictions. Her past research focused on false confessions and police interrogations. She also has prior experience working in labs that studied jury decision-making, photo lineups, and plea bargaining.
In the JEDI Lab, her primary focus is in eyewitness identification. She is particularly interested in examining how different factors influence people’s perceptions of witnesses. Given the vast literature on diagnostic cues of witness accuracy, she aims to investigate the extent to which people can correctly interpret these cues and how these indicators influence people’s witness perceptions.