
What is the lab up to:
This is where I will do my best (we will see how it goes) to archive all the awesome stuff the lab is up to.
The lab gives a very warm (particularly so in Texas) welcome to Fiona Wang who is joining the lab and the SHSU Clinical PhD program at SHSU.
Kayla ventured north to Denver to present some of our work at American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC).
Jabari, Peter, and Nolan stayed local to present three posters at this year's local Undergraduate Research Symposium.
The JEDI lab was well represented at both SEPA and SWPA this year. Peter, Adriana, and Jarod presented posters on some of our grooming and sexual assault work.
This spring, we had 6 excellent talks up in Philly at AP-LS by Kayla, Laura, Alexa, Adriana and Kyndall.
This summer, Kayla braved the Louisiana heat to present our work at the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC).
Adriana and Laura presented their SEPA presentation at the local Undergraduate Research Symposium here at SHSU.
I am thrilled to announce that M.A. students Laura Pazos and Kayla Spenard have both accepted offers to Ph.D. programs. Laura will be enjoying the lovely Nevada mountains and attending the University of Nevada, Reno. Kayla will be sticking around in Texas a little longer and attending the doctoral program at SHSU. Congratulations, ladies!
Kyndall and Adriana travelled to the east coast to present our work at the Southeastern Psychological Association hosted at Hilton Head Island, SC.
Laura and Kayla were off again to present our work at the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS). They both gave two oral presentations.
A HUGE congratulations to Kayla for winning the 3-minute thesis competition here at SHSU! Kayla did an amazing job presenting her thesis in (only) 3 minutes. We are still waiting for the videos from the final round, but check out her preliminary round presentation here!
Margaret, Laura, and Kayla flew to San Francisco to each present some of the work they have been doing this past year at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference.
I was interviewed about our ASMR project by Healthline. Check out the article here.